Chemical Containment

Failed containment areas can result in environmentally and economically devastating consequences.

Chemical Containment Solutions

Facilities responsible for chemical containment understand the critical significance of selecting the right coating systems. Failed containment areas can result in environmentally and economically devastating consequences. At Epoxy Coating Solutions, we bring extensive experience to assist facilities in choosing the precise coating system tailored to their specific needs. Our expertise extends to applying these systems in a manner that stands the test of time, ensuring long lasting and reliable containment solutions.

In the coating world, an often overlooked yet undeniable truth prevails: the success of a coating system hinges directly on meticulous prep work. Regardless of the coating system’s quality, its effectiveness is dictated by the thoroughness of substrate preparation.

At Epoxy Coating Solutions, we employ state-of-the-art mobile and indoor-friendly abrasive blasting, along with rotary abrasive equipment, ensuring optimal prep work on every job.

Committed to the highest standards in substrate preparation and application techniques, we confidently assert that all our projects stand as the epitome of quality, and durability.

Contact Us

Stamford, CT

203 358 7063