Our Services

At Epoxy Coating Solutions, we employ state-of-the-art mobile and indoor-friendly abrasive blasting, along with rotary abrasive equipment, ensuring optimal prep work on every job.

Our Services

Chiller Repair

Chillers play a crucial role in the cooling infrastructure of many facilities.

Tank Coatings

Facility and Operation managers recognize the pivotal role tanks often play in facility operations, from potable water all the way to waste management.

Chemical Containment

Failed containment areas can result in environmentally and economically devastating consequences.

Carbon Fiber Pipe Wraps

The incredibly strong matrix created through the use of Epoxy and Carbon Fiber, often used in the aerospace industry because of its unique strength to weight ratio, has proven to be an ideal solution for repairing piping that has suffered from corrosive/erosive metal loss.


Epoxy and Polyaspartic floor coatings are an excellent way to prolong the life of floors in both commerical and industrial facilities. With proper floor preparation and application, coupled with vigilant monitoring of environmental factors during application, we ensure the creation of long-lasting and robust floor protection.

Corrosive Metal Loss Repair

Employing specialized paste-grade repair composites and durable protective coating systems, we've demonstrated time and time again that quality repairs can often be more time-efficient and cost-effective than opting for replacement.

Contact Us

Stamford, CT

203 358 7063
